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Account Management Training Classroom

Account Management Training Classroom

€ 499,00 € 603,79 Incl. tax

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  • De Beste verkooptechnieken
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  • Met praktijkvoorbeelden
  • Inclusief Certificaat van Deelname
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Sales Training Account Management Classroom

Type of training : Classical
Language : Dutch or English
Training duration : 6 hours (morning + afternoon)


  • Telephone intake
  • 6 Guiding Principles of Selling
  • 10 basic rules of selling
  • 8 sales techniques
  • 5 steps of consultative selling
  • 9 scientifically proven behaviors of people that help with sales
  • Best practice (bonus): Learning sales pitch
  • Best practice (bonus): Learn cold calling
  • Role playing (if desired)
  • GHV Course Material
  • Training handout (PDF)
  • Online evaluation
  • Includes Certificate of Participation

For whom

Suitable for anyone who really wants to learn to master account management and speaks the Dutch or English language.


After booking and following the Sales Training Account Management, you will have an extensive super skillset with which you will noticeably increase your commercial performance. You will learn to make and sell appointments in a more qualitative, effective and easier way. This sales knowledge gives you a lot of insight, which leads to a working method that is very pleasant for all parties.

The training focuses specifically on account management, with a focus on building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. You will learn how to create strategic account planning, how to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and how to identify and leverage upselling and cross-selling opportunities. This training provides many practical examples to apply what you have learned in your daily interactions with key accounts.

In addition, you will learn to build a magical relationship with your customer by asking the right opening questions and immediately recognizing and closing all sales opportunities. You will learn to create more structure and gain control over the conversation, making it clear to your customer and prospect that it is more profitable to use your products or services. With the right atmosphere in the conversation, you motivate your customer or prospect to make one or more purchases. You'll also learn what stage your prospect or customer is in before making a purchase and many scientific human behaviors that help sell.

Finally, Graham Hulsebos teaches you the skills to actually close the deal, assignment, quotation or order with a unique combination of all learned sales techniques in an advisory, controlled and profitable manner.

What other components does sales training contain?

With each Account Management Sales Training you will learn proven sales techniques as well as many standard components, including:

  • Difference between cold and warm acquisition
  • Building sales conversations
  • Closing deals
  • Have powerful conversations
  • Up-selling & Cross-selling
  • Product presentation
  • Acquire new customers
  • Explanation of the sales process
  • Preparing perfect quotes
  • Using correct words in a conversation
  • Getting commitment from potential customers
  • Draft and present unique selling points (USPs).
  • Using the right triggers to arouse interest among the prospect/customer

" Help the customer to be successful with your products and/or services "
- Graham Hulsebos

10 benefits of sales training

  1. Improved sales skills : Sales training can improve employees' sales skills, such as communication, negotiation and persuasion.
  2. Higher sales results : By improving sales skills, employees can improve their sales results, which can lead to higher sales and profitability for the company.
  3. Better customer relationships : Sales training can teach employees how to build better customer relationships through effective communication, customer service and customer-focused sales methods.
  4. Increased customer satisfaction : Through better customer relationships, employees can increase customer satisfaction, which can lead to higher customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.
  5. Better product knowledge : Sales training can help employees gain a deeper understanding of the products or services they sell, allowing them to better respond to customer needs and wants.
  6. Increased motivation : Sales training can help employees feel more motivated and engaged in their work, which can lead to higher productivity and performance.
  7. Improved team dynamics : Sales training can contribute to better team dynamics by improving communication and collaboration between employees.
  8. Better organizational performance : By improving sales performance and team dynamics, sales training can contribute to better organizational performance, such as higher sales and profitability.
  9. Increased Confidence : Sales training can make employees more confident in their sales skills, making them feel more comfortable and confident when selling to customers.
  10. Greater competitiveness : Through better sales skills and performance, companies can build a stronger competitive position and compete better with other companies in their industry.

Graham Hulsebos sales training goes further

The sales training goes beyond standard components, because you (or your employee) are trained to become a truly successful salesperson. Not only in theory, but also in practice. Graham Hulsebos goes a step further where other sales training stops by applying Blended learning in this interactive training.

During the sales training, everything is done to achieve the goal of success. No one is left behind and every student also receives interim tests. The 8 unique sales techniques are explained in a simple manner, so that they can actually be applied in practice. The same day!

Every student of this sales training comes out of the training with more knowledge and this is absolutely reflected in the many very positive reviews (9.0+).

Benefits of Graham Hulsebos Sales Trainings

  • Many eye-openers in the field of sales
  • Structure in your sales activities
  • More than 20 years of practical experience
  • Learn all about the basic and guiding rules of selling
  • Learn the 8 best sales techniques
  • All knowledge directly applicable in practice
  • Personal assistance
  • Everything in just 1 day

Who is Graham Hulsebos?

Graham Hulsebos is one of the most expert sales trainers and motivators in the Netherlands. He has been providing sales training to hundreds of students worldwide for more than 20 years. With a background in retail and automation, and within various national and international companies, Graham has developed a uniquely successful formula of consultative selling. This magical formula combines 8 different proven sales techniques.

Selling is really a profession. The basis for the sales training is therefore also based on his own experiences and he has also followed many training courses, such as: SPIN Sales Training, Upgrade Sales Pipeline Management, Money Maker 2 Program, Sales Professional Assessment Of Knowledge, Management Training Real Problems, Real Solutions , Blackbook Training, Salescycle, Sales Management Training and CRM Specialist.

In short, a valuable Account Management Sales training for every sales professional and organization.
Register immediately!

Download the sales brochure of Graham Hulsebos Sales Trainings here

Type of training Classroom on location
Locations Almere, Amsterdam, Breda, Den Haag, Groningen, Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht, en Zwolle.
Language English
Training timetables Morning session: 09:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Afternoon session: 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Study Load Total duration: 6 hours
Parking costs Free
Course material Each student will receive a notepad and pen at the start.
Lunch Lunch break from 12:45pm to 1:30pm (possibility of lunch arrangement by arrangement).
Reference material Each trainee will receive a Hand-Out by e-mail in pdf format after the training.
Evaluation Yes, online post-training evaluation.
Certification Participants will receive a Certificate of Participation in pdf format.
9.8/10 (11 Reviews)

    "What a nice day of sales training with Graham, we went together through the essential of account management. I loved his engagement and dynamism, he made me realize many things and his teachings will for sure come very handy to me in my career in Sales."

    Riwan Le Gloanec- TotalEnergies Corbion · International Corporate on 09 Nov 2023

    "Ik vond deze training erg interessant. Ik heb veel geleerd over verschillende verkooptechnieken. Deze training is heel erg praktisch en Graham heeft ook een persoonlijke benadering en dit maakt de training extra waardevol om te volgen. Hij is praktisch, duidelijk, vriendelijk en hij geeft je ruimte om vragen te stellen, heel fijn! Dus ik raad deze training zeker aan mensen die veel willen leren over sales en die top verkoper willen worden! Dankjewel Graham!"

    Kareesha Mohamed - MVO Nederland on 19 Jul 2023

    "Super interessante training! Van begin tot eind veel geleerd over de verschillende verkooptechnieken. Graham praat met veel enthousiasme en plezier, ook over zijn ervaringen. De verschillende verkooptechnieken ga ik morgen meteen toepassen en delen met mijn collega's. Dankjewel Graham!"

    Melanie Luijten - HFL Laboratories B.V. on 19 Jul 2023

    "Heel leuk om naar te luisteren, je raakt niet afgeleid!"

    Zoë Cleef on 14 Mar 2021

    "Ik vond de training zeer leerzaam. Verschillende fase’s van het verkoopgesprek komen aan bod. Ook worden er verschillende verkooptechnieken behandeld. Doordat de trainer af en toe confronteert en spiegelt wordt je gedwongen na te denken over de stof."

    Sybren on 30 Jan 2020

    "Leerzame training over verschillende verkooptechnieken. Op een duidelijke en leuke manier vertelt Graham de verschillende technieken en hoe je deze op een simpele maar doeltreffende manier kunt toepassen. Zeker een aanrader als je beter in accountmanagement wilt worden."

    Margo on 21 Mar 2018

    "rg enthousiaste en Frisse training gekregen van Graham Hulsebos zelf! Geeft een duidelijk verhaal en een prettige sfeer zodat je alles goed in je op kunt nemen. Zeer tevreden en ga met een goed gevoel en dosis kennis de deur uit. Mvg Elina vd Hoeff"

    Elina vd Hoeff on 21 Mar 2018

    "Leerzame praktische individuele training die veel handvatten biedt in het voeren van verkoopgesprekken. Onderwerpen waren o.a. Sales cycle, spin, order. De uitleg was duidelijk, goed toepasbaar en interactief. Kortom goed toepasbaar."

    Hendrik on 21 Mar 2018

    "Hele goede ervaring met Graham . Legt alles op een goede en rustige manier."

    Michael Gaasbeek on 21 Mar 2018

    "Wilt u ook een fantastische accountmanagement training volgen? Dan raad ik u met klem Graham Hulsebos Verkooptraining aan. Met een zeer enthousiast vakbekwaam trainer die resultaat gericht werkt heb ik mijn training vandaag zeer positief ervaren. Ik kan deze kennis 100% zeker gaan gebruiken in mijn dagelijkse verkoop werkzaamheden."

    Margot Hordijk on 21 Mar 2018


    Ingrid Nabibaks - Kite Pharma EU B.V. on 21 Mar 2018

Graham Hulsebos Sales en Verkooptrainingen Genomineerd voor 'Beste Opleider van Nederland'

Graham Hulsebos Verkooptrainingen is trots genomineerd te zijn voor de titel 'Beste Opleider van Nederland' door Springest, een onderdeel van Archipel. Deze erkenning bevestigt onze kwaliteit en toewijding. Hartelijk dank aan al onze cursisten.


Deelnemers getrained

Springest: 9.1 - Edubookers 8.9

Gemiddeld cijfer


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